Празничниот семеен албум на Мила Јовович ќе ве разнежни

2 јануари 2020

Познатата актерка Мила Јовович пред неполни две недели го прослави 44 роденден, а на оваа возраст е бремена по трет пат.

На социјалните мрежи објави фотографии кои ќе ве разнежнат. Со нејзините следбеници кон почетокот на декември објави дека до раѓањето на нејзиното трето дете, кое ќе биде женско, ја делат девет недели.

Искрено проговори за тоа дека третата бременост ѝ е речиси идентична со претходните, но и дека без разлика што го поминала овој процес и претходно, сè уште е крајно внимателна и параноична, па избегнува сè  што може да ја доведе до потенцијална опасност, па дури и вежбањето.


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Sexy mama on the school run pose. So here’s an update pic of my pregnancy, I’m 9 weeks away from dropping and it’s getting more and more difficult to get around, but I’m happy to say so far everything looks great with the baby and she’s coming right on schedule! I’ve gained pretty much the same amount of weight that I always gain (about 50lbs. So far) but it just goes to show that your body will do whatever it’s meant to do regardless. Saying that i haven’t been exercising during this pregnancy like I did with the last, but I’m also being super paranoid and just really careful not to do anything that could potentially put me at risk of miscarriage. Anyway, the plus side is my mama boobs are back which is fun for a girl who’s always been flat as a board, so I’m enjoying the moment while it lasts! Sending everyone lots of love mid week and I hope you’re having a good one. Just a few more days till the weekend so take a deep breath, we’ll get there! xo m

A post shared by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) onDec 4, 2019 at 10:34am PST

Но, освен ова, во текот на празничниот период, Јовович сподели уште семејни фотографии од кои зрачи топлина, радост и среќа - чувства кои би требало да го исполнат сечиј дом.

Во продолжение погледнете го празничниот албум на актерката, која со својата непосредност и природност ги освои симпатиите на многумина и на големото платно, но преку социјалните мрежи со можноста да се ѕирне во нејзината приватност и надвор од него.

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Mistletoe magic#sisters #evergabo #dashieledan

A post shared by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) onDec 1, 2019 at 4:48pm PST


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It’s hard to believe that the holidays are upon us once again. It’s been a tough year, full of division and controversy for this country and abroad. Many people are angry. Many people are sad. Homelessness is at an all time high here in Los Angeles. It’s difficult to drive around and see people literally trying to survive. If you have a few extra dollars to help, the organizers from @laoncloud9 have a link in their bio to buy supplies that will help them get important items to homeless people and their pets to make their existence a little more comfortable. Seeing so much suffering makes me want to spend as much time with my kids as possible and do things that put the gorgeous smiles on their faces that they have in these pictures. It’s so wonderful to see the love between them grow everyday and to see my eldest really stepping up to her role as big sister more and more. I think after we lost our last pregnancy, Ever is so hyper aware of how blessed we are today to be having another baby, it’s really made her grow up in the best way possible and want to help as much as she can. She’s trying so hard to prove that she will be mature enough to handle the new baby, it’s brought the little mama out in the way she treats her younger sister. I can’t tell you how precious it is because I get to see first hand the lessons we are teaching our girls bear fruit in the way they treat each other and the people around them. With care, love and respect. I’m so grateful for my amazing children. The happiness they bring is indescribable. We went ice skating together which was so fun. I treasure these moments so much. Hearing their joyful screams and laughter. Seeing them smiling so big. Appreciating. Appreciating. Appreciating. #holidayspirit #sisters

A post shared by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) onDec 9, 2019 at 1:21pm PST




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Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays everyone! We’ve had the most wonderful time with our friends and family, cooking, wrapping gifts and catching up! I’m so grateful to have such wonderful people in our lives, to be expecting a new life in the new year and that all my closest are healthy and happy. It was so lovely to see our family traditions being carried out year after year. My husband and our youngest sat down in front of the fire to burn her letter to Santa and it was so magical seeing how excited but at the same time hushed and reverent she was with the ritual of it all. It reminded me of when our eldest was that age and she and her father did the same together. These moments are so special and gorgeous! It makes me so emotional writing about it!I send you all so much love over the holidays and wish you all the health and happiness you deserve! Xoxo m #family #happyholidays

A post shared by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) onDec 25, 2019 at 3:23pm PST


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Happy New Year everyone!! Oh my goodness, getting a good family photo for New Years is like pulling teeth, by the time the kids stop moving and making faces and complaining and asking how much longer they have to do this and then moving and telling them I’ll make them stand for an hour if they don’t stay still, but finally I got a few where everyone is mostly in focus and smiling at the same time. But apart from the photo drama, the evening has been beautiful, spending time with my family and I have my god daughters with me as well, it’s always wonderful to hear children laughing and running around like crazy people. I hope you’re all having an amazing time tonight and I pray this year is healthy, happy and brings you all you desire! Sending so much love!! #happynewyear2020

A post shared by Milla Jovovich (@millajovovich) onDec 31, 2019 at 8:51pm PST






2 јануари 2020
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